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Story: Beyond Vice

Name : Vice
Species: Alien (Iridae)
Profession: Soldier
Birth Place:  first birthplace - in the Iridae System / second birthplace - an Erthian Battlestation.
Age: 24 would be his official human age. As far as it is known Vice would be 7 years old.
Full Name: Daniel Vice - was made up for his human identity.

calm and obedient, honest, shy, frail yet brave. He is a good soldier never questionning authority, although life is often tough with him. His genetic memory is somewhat incomplete or blocked so that his behaviour would be close to that of a child learning his first moves.

Jeff Nelsson, the leader of the alien's combat unit would probably be his closest realtion, in many ways. Vice currently lives in his house after the whole unit being retreated and brough back to earth. The alien has pretty bad relatinos with his neighbours and never made friends among fellow soldiers. The other person that remains attached to him would be the Doctor Richards that has directed the project D.VI c.e. where Vice was brought to the Militarry forces and that gave him its name.There are also those two mysterious creatures that somewhat look after him but that he knows nothing about...