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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cri du coeur

Voilà encore une fois une passe bizarre que je traverse niveau dolls.
Mon tout dernier projet en particulier - je ne sais plus où j'en suis, ça m'amuse un peu mais au final je ne suis pas 100% contente du résultat. Ni le corps ni les deux moules que j'aime beaucoup ne m'ont finalement pas convaincu tant que ça. Faudrait-il peut être essayer autre chose? Ou laisser tomber? Ou bien laisser tel quel, tant que ça m'amuse, après tout.
Peut être qu'il faut que je me motive à sculpter, mais à bien sculpter, au lieu de pleurnicher comme quoi il y a ci ou ça qui ne va pas, que les formes ne sont pas assez jolies ou les articulations trop chiantes. Encore faut il avoir les bras qui  poussent comme il faut et un minimum de persévérance. Est-ce que j'aurais ça en stock?

Sur ce, finissons quand même sur une touche de positivité:

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Slumberboy - Unoa

Finally posting some pictures of my new doll - and a new dilema.
I got a Dollchateau body that I wanted to use with a Unoa head, yet I also got the Cerisedolls head I totally love. The unoa head suits the body better in terms of color match and proportions. It also suits my character somehow better. The cerisedolls head is just prettier (in my opinion).
So I made basically the same face-up on both, and took some pictures to see how it all works out.

Unoa l-bi/Dollchateau combination:

Slumberboy - Ombre

Finally posting some pictures of my new doll - and a new dilema.
I got a Dollchateau body that I wanted to use with a Unoa head, yet I also got the Cerisedolls head I totally love. The unoa head suits the body better in terms of color match and proportions. It also suits my character somehow better. The cerisedolls head is just prettier (in my opinion).
So I made basically the same face-up on both, and took some pictures to see how it all works out.

Cerisedolls Ombre/Dollchateau combination:


Sunday, July 15, 2012

In my closet...

There's a robot in my closet...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Absynthal Abyss

Ezekiel got an outfit made by Asella, I'm not completely sure that this is going to be his regular clothes style, but I got a bunch of pictures of him at last :D

Snow White?

Oh I've changed Vice's face-up again
Mneh. Trying to get him at least look more photogenic, but it didn't work out really well.
So I dressed him up with lacy white stuff for a photo shoot.
He look like a Pierrot... or a weird version of the Snow White :D