Lately I was looking at my doll collection and a curisous thought left its seed in my mind - I could sell Ezekiel and get myself the same hybrid combination to have a base for Devin instead. Devin is an aquiatence o Rei's, he is a robot too and one character I would like to explore further on along with his interaction with Rei. The Dollstown elf body would suit him perfectly - much more then it does suit Ezekiel who is, unlike those other two, a real boy.
It would require modding the Dollstown elf body gender-wise yet again of course. This doesn't bothzr me that much though - since Devin is a robot the body mods would be much more deep and interesting then just female-to-male regular stuff that I do not like doing.
But it would also mean that I need to mod the Zaoll head once again in order to have that lips, nose and eye shape that I like.
Aaaaand now that I think back to it, what gave me much pain about the Dollstown body were the legs : I've modified their shape that looked too chubby and the fat ankles in order to get the elegant thin legs that I like so much on Ezekiel. And that was a pain. And I'm just...not enough into the BJD stuff right now to make myself go through all that work.