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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Essence épurée

J'ai ( encore une fois ) refait son visage.
Il a encore beaucoup de ponçage à faire,
mais ce côté très "matière brute" mérite bien quelques photos 
blanc-sur-noir, juste des formes.


  1. woaaaah looking FREAKING good so far!
    i like the hands! *worship*


  2. hi !
    i know you from DA, i didnt noticed that you are making a bjd ! i was inloved in your photos, but doll-making was too much *-*

    your work is stunning, i loove simply everything about the torso, and hands are really cool.
    i love her butt (on photos in earlier post) - so cuuute ^^
    cannot wait for any news about your child~
    will you cast it in resin ??

    im making bjd too, and im really curious of your activities, so i promise i will read your blog regularly <3

  3. sahoma, thank you so much^^

    naomi, oh hi there^^ Well I haven't really been into doll-making, I just felt like giving it a try, and it turned out quite fun. I don't think I'll be casting it in resin though, it seems to tricky%) But I'll try giving it a faceup once it's done though. Thanks and good luck for your bjd-crafting as well :)
